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Real-time 3D Detection
What is?
In a context where the global trend is to reduce the use of water and chemical products in phytosanitary applications, it becomes essential to reduce the amount of phytosanitary products that are lost due to inefficiency in application.
Real 3D detection

Real-time 3D detection of vegetation volume allows for second-by-second detection of canopy or vegetation volume and, based on this, determine the amount of product to apply to optimize spraying.

How does it work?

Using sensors, the waatic system instantly reads the canopy volume and determines the volume to be applied at each point. waatic is based on the correlation between the TRV (Tree Row Volume) and the leaf area to be wetted to ensure proper foliar coverage according to the product.

This tool allows dosing based on vegetation without the need to periodically generate prescription maps or perform other types of studies and sampling in the field.

Real 3D detection
Intelligent control system for precision agriculture.
The Waatic Company sl
Can Noguera 19, 3
08630 Abrera - Barcelona
+34 938 29 58 50
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